Burn Permits
Burn permits are issued solely by the current Fire Chief of the Spring Lake Fire Department for residents and business owners residing in Ulster Fire District #1. To obtain a burn permit you must call the station on our non-emergency number, email the chief, or stop in at the station in person on Monday nights before or after training (7:00-9:00 pm).
Spring Lake Fire Department is located at 123 Maxwell Lane, Kingston, NY 12401 (access is from Lucas Avenue)
Phone: 845-338-2173
Email: springlakefd@gmail.com
Rules Governing Burning:
1. The fire must be attended to at all times, with sufficient means on hand to control the burning, until the fire has completely burned out. Burned brush, logs, and other solid materials must be covered with earth or thoroughly saturated with water before the attendant leaves the site.
2. An area sufficient to prevent communication of fire beyond the burning site must be cleared before burning.
3. There will be no burning when wind conditions exceed 15 miles per hour or during any other conditions that may exist to cause a hazardous situation.
4. An authorized Fire Department personnel or any Law Enforcement Officer can conduct an on-site inspection and may terminate this permit at any time.
5. When a local ban on burning is put into effect by the Fire Chief, the permit will automatically be voided until such a ban is removed.
6. Open burning will be allowed during the hours of 0600 and 2300 (6AM to 11PM) and must be completely extinguished by 2300.
7. Absolutely no burning of rubber, creosote, shingles, tar paper, garbage, treated lumber or other items that may be harmful to the environment or cause noxious odors and smoke is allowed or authorized by this permit.
8. Any fire, that is allowed to get out of control and results in the summoning of the Fire Department, can be subject to possible legal action.
9. Any open burning conducted without a valid permit can be subject to possible legal action.
Controlled Burn Reporting
On October 14, 2009, new regulations instituted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation took effect. These new regulations significantly change what materials can be burned, and when they can be burned. A few key points include:
- Burning household trash in burn barrels is now illegal.
- Burning leaves is now banned in New York State.
- Burning pressure-treated lumber and plywood is prohibited.
What can be burned?
- Campfires less than 3 feet in height and 4 feet in length, width or diameter
- Small cooking fires
- Ceremonial bonfire fires
- In towns with a population of less than 20,000, you may burn tree limbs with attached leaves. The limbs must be less than 6 inches in diameter and 8 feet in length. However, this is not allowed from March 16 through May 14.
- Organic agricultural waste (pesticides, plastics, and non-organic materials are prohibited).
- Liquid petroleum-fueled smudge pots to prevent frost damage to crops.
- Towns, villages, cities, and counties can still pass ordinances that are stricter than, and not inconsistent with, open fire regulations. The DEC still requires a permit be obtained if you plan to burn brush and you live in a town that is totally or partially within the Catskill Park (this includes the towns of Denning, Gardiner, Hardenburgh, Olive, Rochester, Shandaken, Shawangunk, Wawarsing, and Woodstock). For a complete list of the new DEC regulations, visit their website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/regs/4261.html (link is external)
To report environmental law violations, call 1-800-TIPP DEC (1-800-847-7332). If you need to report an immediately dangerous condition, call 911.
Remember, you are responsible for any damages caused by a fire you start!
(In conjunction with the Ulster County Emergency Services Department)